
Dealing with Child Anxiety

Childhood anxiety. I am no expert. I remember having sleepover anxiety, but that is about it. Now having to deal with an anxious child, I’m feeling lost. When your child has anxiety, it’s not just hard on the child, it’s hard on the parents too. My youngest gets very anxious and sometimes he doesn’t even… Continue reading Dealing with Child Anxiety


Fitness Friday – 6 Mental Health Benefits of Exercise

Exercise. We know that  most of us exercise for the trim waistline or the numbers on the scale, however exercise can do so much more for you. Exercise is an amazing tool for good mental health. When I run I call it my therapy because it IS exactly that. It’s my mental health therapy. If… Continue reading Fitness Friday – 6 Mental Health Benefits of Exercise


Off He Goes To Kindergarten

This sweet sleeping angel starts kindergarten tomorrow. Full day kindergarten. I can’t believe it. I’m trying not to get all sad and weepy about it. The baby. My baby. I’m trying to see the positive things. No more payments for preschool. Having all three boys in the same place at the same time for the… Continue reading Off He Goes To Kindergarten