
Still Pouting

Yeah, we’re still not totally thrilled about pre-school, but we’re getting there. Maybe by the last day in May we’ll be running in and smiling. They have a new turtle in the classroom…who might just be our saving grace. No tears today. He sat on the carpet with his new friends in anticipation to meet… Continue reading Still Pouting


School Jitters

Deacon has been so excited to start kindergarten. “How many more sleeps?” The question I have been hearing on a daily basis. Then there is Logan, who is starting 1st grade. He’s not too thrilled. “I thought you said we had a long vacation!?” Yeah kid, two and half months is a long vacation. They started… Continue reading School Jitters

motherhood · Uncategorized

Playground Anxiety

What kid doesn’t love going to the playground? My boys love it. I enjoy it too…sometimes. We are fortunate to have many different playgrounds in our area. Most consist of a set of swings and a big playground apparatus with a couple of slides, monkey-bars, etc. Then there are the other playgrounds. The two playgrounds my… Continue reading Playground Anxiety