
Fitness Friday – Arm Sculpting Without Dumbells

I was perusing through Pinterest looking for some more at-home workouts, no gym required. I found this little gem. Five ways to get sculpted arms without dumbells, or any equipment at all. I found them to all be doable. Although I did almost topple over with the Arching three-legged dog. I’m not the best at… Continue reading Fitness Friday – Arm Sculpting Without Dumbells


Fitness Friday – Bye, Bye Arm Jiggle

Most of the workouts I do include some type of arm toning moves. However this video, that was posted by Popsugar this week, focuses all on the arms. Most specifically, the arm jiggle. You know the one. You’re waving goodbye to a friend and you’re not just waving with your hand, your tri-flab is waving goodbye too. Not… Continue reading Fitness Friday – Bye, Bye Arm Jiggle


Fitness Friday: Fat Fry

Now that we are FINALLY seeing some signs of spring it’s going to be time to put the bulky sweaters away and break out the T’s and tanks. With that comes bare arms! Eek. I figured I would share another quick 10 minute video from Fitsugar. I will admit that the first 2:30 minutes of… Continue reading Fitness Friday: Fat Fry