The Bookshelf

12 Authors of 2020

2020 has definitely been the year to get lost in a book. In the past I would set a goal of reading 12 books a year. With three little boys at home and working full-time it was quite the challenge.  For the past two years, I changed up my goal to trying 12 different authors,… Continue reading 12 Authors of 2020

The Bookshelf

The Hating Game – Sally Thorne

I’m starting off 2020 with trying more new authors I haven’t read before. The first one did NOT disappoint. The Hating Game by Sally Thorne. I absolutely adored this book and I already want to read it again. I have the motion picture and cast already planned out in my head. Anna Kendrick would make the… Continue reading The Hating Game – Sally Thorne

The Bookshelf

12 New Authors I Tried This Year

So for the past few years I have challenged myself to read 12 books a year, and have succeeded thus far. When this year began I started plowing through books making that goal, not so much of a goal anymore. I decided to change my goal for this year and make it more challenging, especially… Continue reading 12 New Authors I Tried This Year