
We Finally Made It To The Beach

We finally made it to the beach this weekend and it was FABULOUS! Being a Rhode Islander, I love the beach. And what I truly love is that my boys LOVE the beach. I don’t know what I would do if they didn’t. They had so much fun this weekend. I wish we could do… Continue reading We Finally Made It To The Beach

working mom

Mommy Guilt Intensifies In Summer

Being a full-time working mom always brings on the mommy guilt, but now that Logan is older and out of school for the summer I’m finding that the guilt has intensified. I feel absolutely horrible every morning I leave my house to go to work. It’s almost like that first time you have to leave… Continue reading Mommy Guilt Intensifies In Summer

kids · motherhood

The Seasons

I am always saddened at the end of summer. Goodbye to the beach, the pool, the smell of Coppertone Waterbabies sun-block. One of my all-time favorite smells in the world. I am going to miss putting the kids in the car without coats, boots, hats and mittens. I will miss the open windows during a hot… Continue reading The Seasons