
Fitness Friday – No-Running Cardio

Where have I been? Okay, since my half marathon I’ve plopped my lazy self on the couch with my bruised toes. It’s awful. A full three weeks of nothing but one 3 mile run and a few squats and push-ups. Terrible. I’ve been in a rut. We’ve all been there, haven’t we? I did a… Continue reading Fitness Friday – No-Running Cardio


Fitness Friday – Family Fun and Spontaneity

I’m feeling really guilty lately. I’m working full time this summer. For the past two summers I’ve been part time and have been able to spend more time with my boys. Well that’s all over and now the summer guilt is setting in. That mommy guilt that I certainly didn’t miss. I’ve missed multiple workouts… Continue reading Fitness Friday – Family Fun and Spontaneity


Fitness Friday – Love A Good No-Equipment Workout

I’m going to be honest with you. I’ve been a slacker lately. A total slacker. It happens. We’ve all been there. I don’t care who you are, everyone gets in a rut here and there, and they just need a pep-talk or something to get them back in the game. I did run a great mind-clearing five miles yesterday,… Continue reading Fitness Friday – Love A Good No-Equipment Workout