The Kitchen

Giving Chicken Enchilada Lasagna A Try

I decided to switch up my go-to Chicken Enchilada recipe and turn it into a lasagna. I wasn’t sure how it would go over with the family, but all were pleased. Come check it out over at Mom Generations.

The Kitchen

Sicilian Chicken Salad

Let’s face it. No one wants to cook in the heat of summer. Lately I’ve been experimenting with chicken salad. I’ve ditched the mayo and added a ton of flavor with ingredients I had on hand. I’m sharing four of my favorite over at Mom Generations today. Be sure to go check them out here.… Continue reading Sicilian Chicken Salad

The Kitchen

Sharing My Chicken Parmesan

They’re Getting Gorgeous in the kitchen over at Mom Generations! I’m sharing my chicken parmesan recipe. It’s delish. Don’t miss out!