
Fitness Friday – Mindful Eating

We’ve all been there haven’t we? Just eating to eat. Not thinking about it at all. I know I’ve been there plenty. A bag of Goldfish, a glass of wine, a basket of laundry, and Grey’s Anatomy. All of the sudden I’m at the bottom of the bag! Oops. How did that happen? Even when… Continue reading Fitness Friday – Mindful Eating

Fitness · The Kitchen

Fitness Friday – 8 Different Mason Jar Salads

Tired of the same old salads everyday? Changing up your menu can really help you stay on track in the healthy eating department. Here are a few suggestions to brighten up your lunch. These mason jar salads are easy to do and prep ahead time. I’m currently craving the Buffalo Chicken one! Yum. Which one… Continue reading Fitness Friday – 8 Different Mason Jar Salads


The Battle Over Healthy Foods

As I sat down for dinner with my family Sunday night I felt defeated. I honestly could have just crawled under the table and curled into a ball. Why is it so hard to get my family to eat healthy? It’s not like I’m trying to make them love tofu. It’s plain old chicken people.… Continue reading The Battle Over Healthy Foods