
A Boy & His Puppy

I never saw the resemblance before. It never really clicked until last night. I went into the boys’ room to check on them before going to bed. Like most mothers, I lingered a while and watched them sleep. Deacon was clutching on to his puppy. Now Deacon as a baby and toddler was never attached… Continue reading A Boy & His Puppy


Flattery…I’ll Take It!

Yesterday I was called “beautiful” multiple times, while in workout clothes and a pony-tail on top of my head to boot. I was called “my sweet honey.” My cheeks were stroked and a kiss was planted on my lips. I was told I was “skinny,” “super strong,” and “the best!” All in an hour from my 5-year-old. WATCH… Continue reading Flattery…I’ll Take It!

family time

The Magic of Snow

There is something so magical about snow. I had a skylight in my room as a kid. I can remember waking up in the morning, blinking my eyes a few times, and seeing the entire skylight was covered with snow. I would run and open the window and let the cold snowy air hit my… Continue reading The Magic of Snow