The Bookshelf

The McKay Sisters – Audrey McClelland

So, one of my oldest friends did something over the pandemic. She wrote not one, but two novels (the third in the works)!! A series! I am over-the-moon happy for her. We had discussed us both writing years ago, and I am just so proud that she went forth and actually did it. It’s a… Continue reading The McKay Sisters – Audrey McClelland

The Bookshelf

12 Authors of 2020

2020 has definitely been the year to get lost in a book. In the past I would set a goal of reading 12 books a year. With three little boys at home and working full-time it was quite the challenge.  For the past two years, I changed up my goal to trying 12 different authors,… Continue reading 12 Authors of 2020

The Bookshelf

Mhairi McFarlane

In my quest to try new authors this year I have found a new favorite! Mhairi McFarlane. I absolutely love a good Brit Chick Lit book. Think JoJo Moyes, Sophie Kinsella, Jane Green. I especially love when they’re funny. Well Mhairi McFarlane has had me laughing out loud with her quick wit and fabulous one-liners. I… Continue reading Mhairi McFarlane