
Fitness Friday – No-Running Cardio

Where have I been? Okay, since my half marathon I’ve plopped my lazy self on the couch with my bruised toes. It’s awful. A full three weeks of nothing but one 3 mile run and a few squats and push-ups. Terrible. I’ve been in a rut. We’ve all been there, haven’t we? I did a… Continue reading Fitness Friday – No-Running Cardio

The Bookshelf

The Bookshelf: The Cake Therapist (Book Review)

I was thrilled to receive Judith Fertig’s The Cake Therapist to review. First, I was completely grabbed by the title. Food and feelings just go together, right? This story has grief, hope, healing, and mystery all in one. Just the right ingredients for a great novel. The story focuses around Claire, who has just returned… Continue reading The Bookshelf: The Cake Therapist (Book Review)


How To Train Your Dragon 2

We have been waiting forever for How To Train Your Dragon 2 to hit the theaters. I mean years. Before they even announced that they were going to make one. We’re huge dragon fans here. Between zipplebacks and whispering death…we love them all. We even saw How To Train Your Dragon LIVE two years ago… Continue reading How To Train Your Dragon 2