family time

The LEGO Movie

We ended up taking the kids to see the Lego Movie the other night. They had been asking since before it came out. It’s not often we go to the theater due to the cost for a family of five (outrageous), but we just HAD to take them to see this being it school vacation… Continue reading The LEGO Movie

The Crafty Collaborative · The Kitchen

Blackened Tilapia Tacos

Come on over to The Crafty Collaborative where I’m reviewing a recipe for Blackened Tilapia Tacos. I myself have only tried fish tacos once, and I wasn’t a huge fan. However, these babies were pretty darn good! The blackening seasoning was awesome!

The Bookshelf

The Bookshelf – What If You Had Animal Teeth?

It’s book fair time at school again. We get there and of course Deacon wants those damn Star Wars and Ninjago books that I can’t stand and they are beyond his reading level. Logan had his heart set on a dragon lore book, which is no longer available. Boo for this mom who didn’t give him… Continue reading The Bookshelf – What If You Had Animal Teeth?