The Bookshelf

The Two Lives of Lydia Bird – Josie Silver

The Two Lives of Lydia Bird by Josie Silver. This is the second book from Josie Silver, author of One Day in December, which I absolutely LOVED! I had been anxiously waiting for Lydia to hit bookstands. Needless to say, I had high expectations. I just adore my UK writers. Now I like to get… Continue reading The Two Lives of Lydia Bird – Josie Silver

The Bookshelf

The Hating Game – Sally Thorne

I’m starting off 2020 with trying more new authors I haven’t read before. The first one did NOT disappoint. The Hating Game by Sally Thorne. I absolutely adored this book and I already want to read it again. I have the motion picture and cast already planned out in my head. Anna Kendrick would make the… Continue reading The Hating Game – Sally Thorne