
Fall TV!!

I’m so behind in posts!!! Fall TV is back this week. Yes, THIS week! I usually have this post up well beforehand, but it is what it is. You know I take my Fall TV seriously. I have my list with premiere dates all ready, DVR set, and I even re-watched most of the finales… Continue reading Fall TV!!


Back to School: Only one of us is happy

I think the dog is the only one ready to swing back into the school routine. The boys were…what’s the word for it….PATHETIC. Yes, that’s the word. Pathetic. They were pathetic this morning. Sad faces, moping around, fake coughing…the whole nine. One of them declared it unfair because we didn’t get a good snowfall. The other was… Continue reading Back to School: Only one of us is happy

just me

It’s all about the Fall TV

I’ve been waiting ever so patiently for the Entertainment Weekly Fall TV issue to come in. I swear it’s usually out the first week of September. I had a horrible feeling that I somehow missed it or something. But it arrived! It’s like welcoming home your favorite friends. I anticipate this issue every year. As much as… Continue reading It’s all about the Fall TV