
How Did Time Go So Fast

Hello there, strangers. I know it’s been a while. This blog started as a space to share all the fun things I would do with my three little boys, sharing our favorite books & movies and easy recipes for the family. There were pirate-themed movie nights, Ninjago birthday parties, rainbow-loomed dragons, and everything dinosaur. Guess… Continue reading How Did Time Go So Fast

Lifestyle · motherhood

School is OUT!!

It’s OVER. It is finally over. I know the blog has been quiet lately. I feel like I have just been in a survival mode for months. Trying desperately to get by one day at a time. This has been the absolute worst school year EVER. I have never been so happy for it to… Continue reading School is OUT!!


Our Adventures in Distance/Hybrid Learning

We are a month and a half into a hybrid learning schedule. We are just now starting to get into a groove and adapting to the new routine which seems to be constantly changing on us. It’s been quite the challenge. Between the 241,007 emails and voicemails from the school department it’s been a lot… Continue reading Our Adventures in Distance/Hybrid Learning